- No F*cks Era
- Posts
- I'm An Information Addict
I'm An Information Addict
and you may be as well
Welcome, welcome, welcome to Edition #003 of INTENTIONAL. AF
Here’s what you can expect today:
1 tip - to get you to action quicker
2 tools - to increase your efficiency (Podsqueeze + Birdy)
3 tweets - to give you the goods from Parker Worth, Samantha Leal, and ME!
All with one, simple, goal…
Sharing actionable resources and tips – rooted in my own experiences – to help you build a scalable, intentional, and bad a*s personal brand in Web3.
Now, let’s get into it.
1 Tip (For Growing Online)
My co-founder called me out for being “addicted to information”.
The comment stopped me dead in my tracks.
I’ve always considered my love of learning and general curiosity a good thing.
It’s the “superpower” part of my ADHD.
As a kid, my friends came to me for the latest music.
As a startup founder, my peers came to me for the latest tech resources and events.
When I’m excited about something, I dive in, DEEP.
I’ve got unlimited energy to study the latest trends, thought leaders, and tools, on any given subject, industry, or technology.
Yet, when I heard his comment — “you’re addicted to information” — I knew exactly what he meant.
And he was right.
I’m 100% addicted to information.
But how addicted?? You may be thinking.
With just a little research I found that since January, 2023 I have:
subscribed to 28 newsletters
curated a list of over 150 platforms and tools
purchased (or ordered for $0) 45 digital products on Gumroad
Does the below tweet template look familiar?
Yeah, they’ve been my drug of choice lately.


What’s worse?
Ask me how many of those digital products I’ve looked at after purchasing.
Or how many of those newsletters I read daily, or ever.
“Just because you’re doing a lot more, doesn’t mean you’re getting a lot more done. Don’t confuse movement with progress.”
So what, you like learning. What’s the big deal?
I’ve believed the same thing for decades.
But putting the lens of addiction to it forced me to reflect more deeply about the why.
Why was I investing hours and money into products I may never use?
With some reflection, here’s what I came up with:
Researching gives me the PERCEPTION of productivity
I’m terrified to act because I’m afraid of failure…and success
Having information that others want makes me feel more valuable
Once again my default mindset is to prioritize others, at my own expense.
So, as you head into this week, take this 1 tip with you…
No course, digital product, or twitter thread is going to teach you more than execution.
Your constant learning isn’t productivity
Your value isn’t the result of what you offer others
Your fear of failure and success will only dissipate with exposure
I say this knowing how difficult this will be if you face this challenge.
I still struggle with this daily.
Which is why I can also say this as someone that has spent the last year benefiting from more “doing” than “learning”.
Start tomorrow, with one small action.
One conscious choice to not “dig in”, but rather “show out”.
I promise you won’t regret it.
2 Tools (To Help You Get Efficient)
At INTENTIONAL. our philosophy on daily content creation is three-fold:
keep it simple
post consistently
maximize efficiency w/ tech
These are a must if our small team is going to deliver high-quality results for our clients.
So, here are two of my favourites tech tools this week:
1) Podsqueeze.com: an AI content creator providing you with show notes, transcripts, timestamps, posts, and even a newsletter for your podcast!
How we use it: generate v1 drafts of all of the above for our newly launched podcast, INTENTIONAL. AF.
Costs: Basic (free), Starter ($15/month), Pro ($29/month)
2) Birdy: allows you to A/B test your Twitter bio for free!
How we use it: i’m constantly changing my Twitter bio as I learn new things about myself and my community, this helps me test it out
Costs: Basic (free), Pro ($10 USD/month)
Note: these are not sponsored or affiliate recommendations. Just tech we use and like.
Watch or listen to INTENTIONAL. AF to catch even more tips and tools, as well as a LIVE brand audit of some of the biggest projects and companies in Web3!

3 Tweets (With Gems From Me & Others)
Here are some of my favourite tweets from this past week:
1) Parker Worth: proving you’ll learn more from executing, here.

2) Samantha Leal: reminding us our customers hold the greatest insights here.

3) ME: reminding ya’ll that NFTs are not dead, here.

That’s all! Keep pushing this week and remember…
you got this 💪
See you next Sunday,
kristina, with a “k”
Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: We just launched the INTENTIONAL AF. Podcast; another go-to resource to help you elevate your brand in Web3. Every Wednesday we’re dropping 30 minutes of brand + marketing reviews, tech tool recommendations, and 1 personal brand tip you can implement right away! Check it out on YouTube and, if it provides value, please give us a like and subscribe.
#2: 1:1 Coaching: I help 2-3 high-potential artists, creators, and founders build their online brands quicker with my 1:1 paid coaching service each month. If you think this is you, respond to this email for more details.
#3: Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for even more tips, tools, and tweets to help you grow your bada*s brand.
I’m Canadian. There may be extra “u”s, double “l”s, and more. This is not a mistake. It’s willful.
I’m Queer. A mother, a wife, and an advocate for equity of all people, not just Queer folks. Openly, and without filter, sharing the journey of building my personal brands means being authentically me.
I’m living with mental illness. I’ve been in psychiatric care for depression since I was 12 (I’m now 39). My experiences with anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia, panic attacks, and ADHD shape my perspective.
If any of the above isn’t for you, please unsubscribe.
Specific questions or challenges with your brand? Respond to this email and share them with me so I can address in future editions!
Feedback on how to make the INTENTIONAL. AF Newsletter better? Reply and share those too! I read every email and always do my best to respond.