Unleash Your Personal Brand

Get Ready for Weekly Tips, Tools & Tweets

Welcome, welcome. You're now part of an unreal community of creators and builders growing their personal brands in web3 (and beyond!).

From now on, each Sunday you’ll receive:

  • 1 tip (for growing online)

  • 2 tools (platforms, products, etc.)

  • 3 tweets (from me + other leaders)

All with one, simple, goal…

Sharing actionable resources and tips – rooted in my very own experiences – that will help you build a scalable, intentional, and bad a*s personal brand.

Why Should You Care?

Because building your personal brand is the single greatest investment you will make in your life.

Think about it.

If you start today you likely have 20, 30, or even 40, more years to build this ONE asset. One asset that:

  • Requires $0 in upfront investment

  • Welcomes you as an active, daily, contributor to its growth

How many other investments do you know like that??

How Does It Work?

First, you start to understand and share your story.

To me, that means sharing your unique values, expertise, and experience.

Not, your trauma.

By starting with your story, you build a solid foundation around your personal brand that will grow and evolve over time.

Just as you do.

Branches don’t change a tree trunk, they enhance it. They strengthen it.

Think of your story as the tree trunk, with deep, stable, roots.

Each company you work for, role you take, and interest you explore, becomes a branch stemming from that solid foundation.

Branches don’t change a tree trunk, they enhance it. They strengthen it.

Why Should You Listen To Me?

Because I’ve spent +15 years building personal brands for pro athletes – like 6-time NBA All-Stars, Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan – startup founders, and philanthropists.

Around 18 months ago, I also began doing the same thing for myself.

Pushing through the excuses, the fear, and the limiting beliefs.

After all these years, I decided to bet on ME.

Just as I’ve encouraged and helped others do for so many years, I started making my own mistakes, learning my own lessons, and battling my own insecurities.

And it’s been working.

By showing up and building an intentional, bada*s, brand that’s authentic to me, I’ve been able to:

  • build a community of +16,700 Twitter followers

  • establish myself as a leader in web3; and

  • make money in 9 different ways online

My Commitment To You

As you embark on this journey, know I’m building alongside you.

Every. Single. Day.

I will make mistakes. I will be afraid. I will be tempted to quit.

So will you.

But if you’ve made it this far through my first-ever newsletter, it’s for a reason.

A piece of you – a voice inside – is telling you to explore this path.

You may not know the “how”, but you sense your potential.

And the good news is that the “how” isn’t important at this moment.

All that’s important is your commitment to learning and taking your very next step.

Just like you, my dream is to do what I love and get paid in web3. Let’s get there together.

I’m excited to be on this journey with you and remember…you got this 💪 

See you next Sunday,

kristina, with a “k”


To ensure you receive the newsletter each week, please do these 3 simple things:

  1. Move this welcome email to your Primary inbox

  2. Add this email to your contacts: [email protected]

  3. Reply and say hello. I personally respond to every email.


  • I’m Canadian. There may be extra “u”s, double “l”s, and more. This is not a mistake. It’s willful.

  • I’m Queer. A mother, a wife, and an advocate for equity of all people, not just Queer folks. Openly, and without filter, sharing the journey of building my personal brands means being authentically me.

  • I’m living with mental illness. I’ve been in psychiatric care for depression since I was 12 (I’m now 39). My experiences with anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia, panic attacks, and ADHD shape my perspective.

If any of the above isn’t for you, please unsubscribe.

Specific questions or challenges with your brand? Share them with me so I can address them in future editions.

Feedback on how to make the INTENTIONAL. AF better? Reply and share them. I read every email and always do my best to respond.

Prefer social media? Reach out on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Tik Tok 👋